Jameson Adair Courtine
Jameson Adair Courtine was born Sept. 6, 2009 in Raleigh, North Carolina. From his early days, it was clear that he loved life. He smiled at everyone and everything. He would try absolutely anything once and loved most things he did. Jameson particularly loved the outdoors and all sports; especially soccer, basketball and baseball. He was an example of what hard work can do for you. He demonstrated the value of hard work by achieving straight A’s in school, constantly learning new hobbies, and by qualifying for the youth baseball all-star team as the starting 2nd baseman.
Jameson was an amazing big brother. He played with, read with and taught Rhys so many things. They spent hours shooting hoops, learning how to solve a Rubik's Cube, playing chess and a variety of games and puzzles. They spent many hours creating their own games and activities. Jamesons also taught Rhys all about “American Ninja Warrior” and Duke Basketball, a huge love for both of them.
Jameson was a fantastic friend, always patiently helping kids learn and practice new games, skills and activities. He understood that although a lot more fun, winning wasn’t what mattered. Helping others was. He was respected by older kids, who quickly realized that he could play with them and give them a good challenge. Jameson consistently stepped up to help new classmates get adjusted to their new environment and helped anywhere he could in the classroom.
Upon moving to Brevard, Jameson quickly became a huge fan of his Pop Pop’s lake, the wonderful Transylvania County Library and the numerous mountain hikes right out his front door. His proudest accomplishment in his short time was conquering the six mile Looking Glass Rock hike with his mother. Sadly, at the time of his death, he was three days away from his Little League Baseball evaluations, for which he was so excited to use his new batting gloves, bat and baseball bag.
Jameson’s Joy was created when a friend decided to honor Jameson with a random acts of kindness day at school. This idea quickly became a random acts of kindness day all over the country. #Jamesonsjoy was created by members of the community, and the foundation idea was born.