Transforming Lives, One Kind Act at a Time

A Father Doesn’t Tell You He Loves You. He Shows You.

Our Initiatives


Transform Parent-Child Relationships Through Time Together


Jameson’s Joy recognizes the importance of parents being involved in the lives of their children, and how the lack of a father figure hurts many children. Jameson’s parents, both teachers, see daily the positive effects on children that loving mother and father figures in the home provide. Due to a passion for creating opportunities for parents to intentionally connect with their children, Jameson’s Joy will work to connect parents and their children through a variety of programs and activities, and allow them to build a bond and love like Jameson had with his parents. #SayYes was born to remind parents to intentionally spend time investing in their children during the short time they are on Earth and spend less time on things that leave no legacy.


Transform Children’s Literacy Through Daddy Hugs

Jameson’s Joy recognizes the importance of reading as a contributor to a child’s future success. One of the biggest obstacles to children reading is simply access to good books. Jameson’s Joy will work to provide avenues for children to have access to books through donations, libraries and by providing copies of one of Jameson’s favorite books, “Daddy Hug,” to fathers of young children.

Transform Mental Health Through Honest Communication

Jameson’s Joy recognizes the importance of working with all available resources to provide support for mental health issues. Whether it is grief like the Courtine family and many others are processing, or other mental health issues, everyone deserves a voice and a chance to walk alongside those who can help carry them through their pain.


Transform Lives Through Acts of Kindness

Jameson’s Joy recognizes the importance of kindness and hopes to inspire people to demonstrate kindness in their everyday lives. If we band together as people, we can make a positive difference for so many people who may be hurting. This goal evolved from one of Jameson’s best friends in Willow Spring, North Carolina. When this friend heard of Jameson’s death, he decided to honor Jameson by performing random acts of kindness at school one day. This quickly led to a Random Acts of Kindness Day that saw hundreds of kind acts performed all over the world. #JamesonsJoy began trending and kindness became one of our main goals.

Transform Fitness Through A Fitness Course

Jameson’s Joy recognizes the importance of fun and fitness. We have partnered with Transylvania County to install the Jameson’s Joy Memorial Fitness Park at the Parks and Recreation complex on Ecusta Road. This fitness course has 10 obstacles that will challenge people of all ages and allow them to continually challenge themselves as they grow stronger and more confident. The fitness course was desired because of Jameson’s love of the hit television show “American Ninja Warrior.” Jameson watched this show with his brother Rhys weekly and loved the concept. For Jameson’s last Christmas on Earth, he and Rhys were given a complete home ninja course. Sadly, when Jameson passed away, those unopened boxes sat behind the couch, waiting for warmer weather. Jameson’s love of fitness will live on through the course that has been installed.
This project could not have been completed without the great partnership between Jameson’s Joy, Transylvania County and every single individual and business that made a donation to the mission.

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